Hodl the line on Bitcoin

Like the internet, Bitcoin seems to be a technology that has outsmarted the controllers and escaped into the wild.

Bitcoin is second on my LulzTech list for several reasons. First, it’s seriously empowering. Transferring money anywhere in the world at no significant cost places it pretty high up on the utility list. Second, it’s sort of anonymous. (You need to use Bitcoin mixers/anonymizers accessed through Tails Linux over TOR with a VPN internet connection with someone else’s computer to even get close to real anonymity). And third, it’s worth it to use Bitcoin whenever you can just because it screws the banksters. See Andreas Antonopolous’ banksters 5 stages of grief speech in the Barcelona video below.

It’s not the be-all-end-all solution to corruption. It can’t replace fiat currency in the real world. It’s not as safe to hold as gold and silver. While a person can make money just playing the game like forex it’s not, and never was, about making money. It would be pertinent to observe the origins of it before jumping all in.

Is Bitcoin’s origins in the same military industrial think tanks that the internet came out of?

The “internet” has recently been talking about Craig Wright coming out with the support of Gavin Andresen as the true Satoshi Nakamoto, inventor of Bitcoin. My first impression on hearing the “internet” deny this, and IMHO: Craig Wright is pissed off at the direction it’s going (Bitcoin and our civilization) and is trying to force the real inventors of Bitcoin to come out. He initially convinced Gavin Andresen that this is the best course of action for freedom and liberty. Someone changed Gavin’s mind right away just like Trumps flip-flop on the economy. Meanwhile, the CIA controlled media shills and the alternative media controlled speakers are spreading the misinformation like wildfire. It could be a scam to kickstart volatility in the stabilizing price of Bitcoin or it could be something much more sinister, which is what I suspect.

I’m a Former Green Beret and Here’s How I Would Bring Down Bitcoin

The long term goal of the controlling elites is the New World Order with it’s one world government, one world religion one world currency philosophy. Their plans can’t go directly from A-B because they need to get us to do it for them and we naturally abhor evil, so secrecy is their main import. And, when their minions (like Craig and Gavin) wake up to their machinations and try to monkey wrench their agenda this in turn causes confusion which looks like stupidity. Scoff all you like; look into this. If bitcoin is a black psyop then it is likely that this is also it’s long goal.

Is Satoshi Nakamoto a Secret Agent?

Like the internet, Bitcoin seems to be a technology that has outsmarted the controllers and escaped into the wild. To be so empowering to freedom and liberty it must be a mistake. Until we know for sure who Satoshi Nakamoto is it must be assumed to be their tool.

Logical Fallacies in the Hunt for Satoshi

What is Bitcoin anyways?

Disrupt Conference – What is Bitcoin?

Bitcoin: Privacy, Identity, Surveillance and Money – Barcelona Fablab Meetup March 2016

How can we use Bitcoin? First, you need a bitcoin wallet you can send and receive bitcoin with. The core wallet is an 80 gigabyte download already (yes it’s a problem the developers are working hard to solve) and it’s likely to get even bigger. But, there are light wallets available like Electrum which operate on the blockchain but don’t need to download it. Mycelium offers its own localbitcoins.com. (Did I mention the need to be careful where you download stuff from these days? Be doubly careful with this).

Get the Bitcoin Core Wallet from bitcoin.org

Hardware Wallets are becoming more popular and useful. Trezor

Where do we get Bitcoin? The bitcoin exchanges can be troublesome and risky. Find one in a country you trust and don’t store your bitcoin there. How Can I Buy Bitcoins?

Spread the love and talk about Bitcoin. If you believe in it then use it and ask people to accept it at their businesses. Buy stuff with it. Like the Trezor or a bitcoin miner. Bitcoin Now Accepted at TigerDirect.ca! Always do research before making a sensitive purchase.

And here’s the primary research sources for anything related to Bitcoin.



Mining Bitcoins is at the core of the blockchain technology. This is another way for you to support the bitcoin infrastructure. I still run “ASICMiner Block Erupter USB 330MH/s Sapphire Miner” with MinePeon running on my raspberry pi model B.

You can solomine with your bitcoin core wallet which uses your cpu but it’s too slow to even consider anymore. You can get specific hardware to solomine like Bitmain AntRouter which runs at an amazing 5.5 Gigahashes. If you are highly skilled, internet savvy and technically proficient go all out and get an S7 Antminer from BitMain. Find out more at bitcointalk.org

Dogie’s Miner Setup Guides