Linux, Live Linux and Long Live Linux

Next time you buy a computer, just know some of that money is going to vaccinate children in developing countries in order to depopulate the planet and make more room for more carbon dioxide expelling arseholes like bill.

Freedom and control of your own personal computer is why Linux is third on this list. Linux itself is older than the internet. It runs on more devices than even Java I think. It’s more secure because of it’s openness and anyone who attacks Linux is an enemy of freedom.

Microsoft is an enemy of freedom. It’s trying to use its power and influence to force its crappy software on everyone. Just so you know windows 10 has a built in keylogger. That’s the kind of control it wants. They are going so far as to influence hardware makers and motherboard makers to hardcode against Open Source and force you to use only Microsloth Windoze on YOUR computer. Soon, the motherboard you buy may not be able to run Linux.

Microsoft’s ‘Full Assault’ on Android, Java, and GNU/Linux, Using Classic E.E.E. Tactics Again

Microsoft is a scumsucking company with no regard for freedom and undeserving of any respect. The software is so klunky, unpredictable and hard to install it’s another feat of incredulity that it became what it is today. It defines evil in many ways.

Bill Gates’s Depopulation Initiative [U.N Agenda 21]

Yes, you heard that right. He is a scumsucker of the highest order. That’s what he is choosing to do with all that money that YOU and I gave him over the last 25 years. And this is something no one wants to hear; you are complicit in your own demise.

Now, I don’t know Linus Torvalds, but he did the opposite with his OS. He gave it away for free. That is one reason all by itself to use Linux. That it harms the globalists goal (agenda 21) of control and depopulation is another good reason to use it. It’s open and transparent. How many reasons beyond these do we really need. Up until now it was harder to use, but that is no longer the case.

You can try Linux for free. There are live versions which load only to memory without installing onto a hard drive that run directly off a cd or usb stick. LiveCD List The Linux Magazine has several live distro’s on dvd that you can try without changing your system. DistroWatch If you like it you can install with mostly no trouble. It’s still not perfect, but it’s a far cry better than any version of microsofts windows. For those annoying programs that you have that must run on windows you can dual boot. Now is a good time to learn about it.

So many versions, so little time. One of my favorite Live Linux is Knoppix. Linux Mint is the most windows user friendly, Ubuntu Linux is the most popular and Live Linux Tails is the most secure. My Raspberry Pi that is mining bitcoins is running a version of Linux. My old HP vista computer I was using for backup internet died because of microsoft (planned obsolescence) and I tried to install vista back on it (because I know how insecure Microsoft windows 10 is) which was a miserable fail. HP wants to charge me for a disk I already paid for in the price of the computer and no one can supply a usb burnable iso, not even microsoft. But, every live linux I have tried runs well on it and recognizes all the hardware. The developers deserve applause and cash money too since free software depends on donations. This is what volunteerism is about: I voluntarily give to something I believe in. Microsoft just takes it.

Next time you buy a computer, just know some of that money is going to vaccinate children in developing countries in order to depopulate the planet and make more room for more carbon dioxide expelling arseholes like bill. Don’t touch windows 10 even if it is free (especially if it’s free). Don’t put it on your Raspberry Pi. If it is on now, just install Linux over it if you can. It won’t be long until you can’t get windows off your hardware.

Towards (reasonably) trustworthy x86 laptops [32c3]

And speaking of hardware, even our router makers are getting attacked for supporting open source. Linksys bucks trend, will support open source firmware on WRT routers and to wit OpenWRT is all about Linux on your router. If you need a router in the future and the old ones are unusable then get a WRT router.

Wireless Drivers: Freedom considered harmful? (OpenWrt) [32c3]

To me the internet was always about freedom. It should be priced that way as well. If you want freedom you should support Linux and Open Source and oppose the monstrous corporations like MS. Support companies that deserve it by buying hardware that is compatible with a free future. It’s also in the governments best interest to let the movement grow.

If companies like Netflix are more concerned with pleasing microsoft and avoiding Linux users then they don’t deserve your money or mine. Adobe flash is a good example of problems with proprietary software in regards to internet video; it should have been a web standard to begin with now we are finally getting html5 video, but it’s not up to snuff yet compared to user expectations. Motherboard manufacturers need to stay with the open source movement, realize the enemies of freedom are good for no one and do not give in to external pressures.

In conclusion, Linux is a tool to be used and like many other tools it must be used properly and safely. The reward is greater freedom.